Monday, 29 August 2011

Reflection week 3 term 3.

This week I intend to finish my light box by Friday and also my engineering drawing and also want to finish all my Solidworks stuff.

Overview week 5 term 3.

Today we are looking at the materials list and also solid works-parts and we are doing our engineering drawing and after lunch our light box practical on Thursday we are looking at the tool list and we need to finish solidworks and our 2-d design and by friday I hope to have my lightbox finished.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

In order to finish my light box.

I need to do my kickers on solidworks and also finish my top plate I also need to attach a few wires to my circuit board.

Monday, 22 August 2011

Reflection week 4 term 3.

This week I would like to be finished all of my work including my light box and also finishing my top plate which I've been trying to finish for a while now.

Overview week 4 term 3.

Tuesday we're doing solid works and discussion of materials we will also do some 2-d design and after lunch we will be doing some practical.